Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thanks to Achu, a very nice panoramic picture of the front of the house...

and the back....

Sunday, April 26, 2009

And the enjoyment....

Here we are ... actually in the pool... Happy we got to enjoy it since the day was hot and the pool was friggin cold... Be we wanted to get in this weekend for sure...

The boss is inspecting the cover and what would happen if one of the inspectors did walk out on the cover...

I like this view...

And the real reason we got the pool... Ya... you can say that again.... shuuuuuussssssssshhhhh

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Aha..... Here it is......

The pool is physically completed... We have quite a bit of work to do on landscaping but that said it is done... Of course there is the chemical blah blah blah,,, and then there is the few odds and ends left ... But at least we can say we can see what its suppose to look like,,,

Here is the pool fully plastered... The hose in the back is to keep water flowing overnight while we wait for the water truck to come in the morning...

Here the whole family is watching as the water is being pumped into the pool from the water truck... He had to lay out 400 feet of hose to get the water to the pool. It took 2 loads which amounts to about 25K gallons... Plus leaving a hose on overnight probably put in 5K. The pool is estimated at about 30.9K gallons

And finally here is the pool...all filed with water...looking pretty clean after a week of brushing... Now comes the time for all the chemical balancing etc..

Friday, April 17, 2009

Plaster Plaster.... We got PLASTER

The end is near, the end is near.... we are getting close to the end.....
The plaster went on this afternoon and water will be delivered tomorrow... We are running a hose into the pool while waiting for the truck.

I am amazed how quickly you can cover an area with a soupy mix of white cement and marbelite. Wish we could have done pebble tec but alas too pricey for now...

The water was sucked out using a sump pump but I believe it helped that I spent most of yesterday evening using the power washer to get all the loose crud out...

Here is a hard working clean up man... glad I had the power washer...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Excitement is Building...

The whole family was out enjoying this wonderful Sunday... Even the CEO put on the gardening gear and help plant some ground cover...

The members of the executive board also lent a hand...

and were able to get a Lot done...

We are definitely nearing completion... Major milestone this week with completion of the electrical and finished the pool deck and most all major construction...

Here Valentino is grouting the sheer descent wall... One of the tasks we had to complete before pool gets plastered hopefully next week...

Monday, March 23, 2009

The final push to get the pool done is on now....

We started by getting the deck on the side of the pool completed...Originally we were going to use a sand base but it was just not strong enough... So cart off the sand and pour in concrete to give the pavers a good base...

It was back breaking work... 60 bags of 80 lb concrete mixed in a wheelbarrow and dumped and screened... Just the way to spend a Saturday.. And this after finishing up with the fence.

And after all of that, here is the pool deck with the travertine. The electrician was out today finishing with all the controls and wiring the pool lights..