Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Excitement is Building...

The whole family was out enjoying this wonderful Sunday... Even the CEO put on the gardening gear and help plant some ground cover...

The members of the executive board also lent a hand...

and were able to get a Lot done...

We are definitely nearing completion... Major milestone this week with completion of the electrical and finished the pool deck and most all major construction...

Here Valentino is grouting the sheer descent wall... One of the tasks we had to complete before pool gets plastered hopefully next week...

Monday, March 23, 2009

The final push to get the pool done is on now....

We started by getting the deck on the side of the pool completed...Originally we were going to use a sand base but it was just not strong enough... So cart off the sand and pour in concrete to give the pavers a good base...

It was back breaking work... 60 bags of 80 lb concrete mixed in a wheelbarrow and dumped and screened... Just the way to spend a Saturday.. And this after finishing up with the fence.

And after all of that, here is the pool deck with the travertine. The electrician was out today finishing with all the controls and wiring the pool lights..